Looking through consumer’s eyes





It’s basically the online version of ethnography, where respondents collect photos and videos taken from their digital camera/smartphone (auto-ethnography)

We can “follow” the consumer both at home or on his way, thanks to:

  • online diaries (filled in online)
  • applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger
  • geolocation services

Through a dedicated platform, we are able to control and have access to interactive materials created by the subjects on a specific study object:

  • Participants can freely post videos, photos, and every kind of multimedia contents, interacting spontaneously with the product or performing a specific task

  • The ethnographic approach is less invasive, which makes the interviewee feel at ease and more eager to express themselves freely and communicate

  • A great variety of study material can be gathered instantly and in a simple way. Further in-depth analysis can be performed through different tools (chat, online forums, Skype calls or a simple phone interview)

A video to get a deeper understanding 😉